Chapter Nine:
The Project of the Future School
The Project of the Future School
Hamilcar was inspired by Pythagoras’ ideas of creating the School of Science and Art for the Education of Souls. They were often discussing new methods of teaching and the principles of operation for their project.
One day Pythagoras pronounced:
“Yes, we should create that image of the new School now which will become a reality in the future. In order to make this happen, the plan should be well thought out to the smallest details. The project must be impeccably beautiful, so that all the Perfect Ones, all those Who have attained Divinity, will allow us to do it and would help to breathe in that Power in this image which executes the Divine Plans into reality. And then we can easily implement everything on the material plane.
“I believe that the initial stages of spiritual self-perfection, including the ethical laws of Harmony, should be available and clear to all people. And the higher techniques of self-perfection should be hidden from them until a certain time.
“Likewise, the mountain peaks beyond the clouds will open only to those who have already climbed high enough. In the same way, the higher methods of self-development are objectively necessary only for those who strive not only to the Unity with the Primordial One but have already themselves passed a significant part of the spiritual Path.
“But all the people must be aware of such a possibility of transformation into the Divine Soul!
“We could start to educate people to be free and beautiful!
“It would be those for whom the work is a creativity of the soul!
“And the joy will fill these souls because of their own spiritual ascent, because of help to the companions on the Path, as well as from creation of Beauty, Harmony and Order for all people!
“In the process of gaining such a freedom, the souls will purify themselves and will approach the Light and they will serve as an example to others.
“Yes, this will not happen fast, but it is possible!
“The moral purity should become a starting point, the beginning of such a transformation for souls!
“It is necessary to raise the new generations of people to be capable of being free, loving and strong!
“Those worthy of Freedom should create themselves in this way! But we could help them with it!
“This work has been entrusted to us by Those Who initiate the souls into the Holy Light.
“As a result, over the years, those could become the leaders in the human society who are worthy of imitation and admiration! They must be morally pure and beautiful! They must lead the nations to Harmony and peace! With their selfless service to people they will change a lot!
“… It is dangerous when the desire to enrich oneself at the expense of others or enjoyment of 'freedom of command' gains control over the earthly leaders! The power brings them joy! And the people become their victims!
“It is essentially important to purify the mind from all vicious thoughts and desires! Moral purity — it is the only right way to begin the Path!
“Behold how dangerous a big consciousness becomes, controlled by a small and dirty mind!
“And how many woes is such a person capable of causing, perceiving himself as "great"!
“That is exactly how the tyrants come into this world…
“Hamilcar, this should lead you to understand that the development of the soul’s strength should never overtake the growth of love and wisdom in a person!
“The mind and strength should always be in harmony — under the leadership of love!”
… Hamilcar asked:
“How many people have heard your speeches here! But none of them wanted to truly learn from you! They were quite satisfied with your certain advice!
“Why do so many people not want to study at all?!”
“The need of knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge, gradually grows in a person.
“Look: hunger teaches us to earn a living. Sexual desire and procreation teach love and care. This can be observed in both humans and animals.
“At the beginning everybody learns by obeying the passions or the necessities of life. Gradually, over the years, an aspiration for cognition of spiritual knowledge, aspiration for wisdom can be developed in certain people only!
“The serious growth of a soul begins only with the appearance of the conscious need to cognize what is important in life and learn how to truly love.
“That’s why the people’s need to learn and to love should be encouraged!
“Moreover, your every thought should penetrate into the spiritual heart of the listener! And then this person’s mind will be also filled with understanding.
“The soul’s wisdom grows if it is supplied not only with knowledge but also with love!
“… The souls advance to Perfection very slowly.
“It is not easy to transform, change oneself, get rid of bad qualities and start cultivating new skills and states of oneself-soul even if you begin to aspire to this.
“And also, we should help others very carefully: in order not to exceed the capabilities of every specific soul.
“It is very important that a person who is still weak will not be broken under the pressure of new knowledge and mismatch of what he would like to achieve and what he can do at this time!
“Also, it is necessary to ensure that he could see in his teachers those ideals which he aspires to achieve. And the People Who cognized the Truth and represent the Divine Whole could be perceived by him too!
“Besides, among friends and companions, one should have the examples of pure aspiration and willingness to achieve success in a spiritual life and not only in a material life where false values and goals sometimes impede one to see and understand the true purpose of human life!
“That’s why it would be desirable to create communities of those who strive to the Divine Light. Their mutual aid would be a base for those who are still weak but aspiring to the purity and wisdom as well.
“Practical methods of work on self-improvement should be feasible for everyone. And the limitations should be feasible as well, so that the burden should be manageable on the path of the soul!
“It is like a beautiful garden of various souls which should be grown and cultivated! Where there will be a place for the still weak grass, gorgeous roses, and mighty fruit-bearing trees!
“Just like a gardener who can fertilize the soil and protect from cold the barely arising sprouts, he can cut the dry and crooked branches, straightening and directing the growth of both certain plants and the whole garden — the same way as a teacher can gently direct the development and growth of souls.
“But the dirt accumulated by the soul in the past as well as the vicious reactions cannot be removed at one time simply because the soul wanted to become pure. No: the purification of the soul is hard work!
“As a child does not mature within one year that way so a young soul doesn’t quickly overcome the Path to the Unity with the Whole! Only highly mature souls under wise leadership can pass the last stages of the Path within one life!
“But it is useful to give even small portions of kindness and knowledge to young souls — to those who are ready to master the very first lessons at this time.
“Also, it should be taken into consideration that young souls are very receptive and pliable. The stronger ones themselves — usually want to influence others.”
… Hamilcar recalled many powerful and capable beginner seekers whom he had met in his life and noted regretfully that, most likely, none of them would want to become Pythagoras’ disciple. He expressed this thought aloud:
“Yes, many priests in different temples think they know everything and they are only ready to moralize others…
“There are very few of those who, already possessing some knowledge, didn’t become proud and are ready to continue their studies!”
“Yes, Hamilcar. That's why it doesn’t make sense to give everybody the highest methods…
“The ability to generalize the gained knowledge and put it into practice is very important as well. But not everybody is capable of doing this nowadays.
“And that is why, in particular, there are very few around us who are objectively ready and able to study and, in addition, really want this and intend to get rid of their vices! But without this there should be no admission to the highest initiations!
“You could often observe how a foolish person begins to make fun of something that is beyond his understanding… So never strive to give that knowledge to the person who is not ready to accept it yet!
“And you yourself — never laugh at and despise those who have not reached your level of perception because they are not capable of it yet! Look at yourself with the eyes of Omniscient Gods — and behold the smallness of your own knowledge compared to Their Wisdom!
“You and I both should not be ashamed of learning more!
“The Divine Wisdom is boundless and immense! And it constantly is replenished with new findings and discoveries.
“The Primordial Consciousness is the United We, compiled with the Great Perfect Ones. It lives forever and is constantly evolving at the same time!
“So let us never stop the process of Our Self-Perfection as well!
“… There is a law of Paternity-Maternity: the eldest serve the youngest with their wisdom and love-care!
“But it is necessary to always keep in mind that the comprehension of one’s own chosenness to serve the Whole should not be an occasion for pride, perception of the sufficiency of one’s own level of development! Instead, let each leader increase one’s own responsibility for every act, for every word spoken!
“… There is no reason for looking haughtily at younger souls!
“Yes, it is not easy to love people who are not evolutionarily developed enough! Especially when those people are burdened with multiple vices and lowly desires!
“But in order to help humanity it is necessary to master the wise and all-embracing love! Seeing both the vices and glimpses of light in the souls, it is necessary to help germinate the best in them! And this can be done only by someone who has learned to love with the Divine Love!
“Unwise earthly governors which dominate now consider people only as a means to satisfy their own interests. They do not realize that in this way they catastrophically ruin their destinies!
“Being the Vicar of the Divine Will here, on the material plane, can be only one who has mastered the Great Love to the Whole. And it includes in Itself each and every one growing, developing on this piece of the universal beingness which we call the planet Earth.
“We could also teach both: the worthy earthly leaders and those boys and girls who may become the leaders in the future, and of course, all other people who are ready for such a study.”
One day Pythagoras pronounced:
“Yes, we should create that image of the new School now which will become a reality in the future. In order to make this happen, the plan should be well thought out to the smallest details. The project must be impeccably beautiful, so that all the Perfect Ones, all those Who have attained Divinity, will allow us to do it and would help to breathe in that Power in this image which executes the Divine Plans into reality. And then we can easily implement everything on the material plane.
“I believe that the initial stages of spiritual self-perfection, including the ethical laws of Harmony, should be available and clear to all people. And the higher techniques of self-perfection should be hidden from them until a certain time.
“Likewise, the mountain peaks beyond the clouds will open only to those who have already climbed high enough. In the same way, the higher methods of self-development are objectively necessary only for those who strive not only to the Unity with the Primordial One but have already themselves passed a significant part of the spiritual Path.
“But all the people must be aware of such a possibility of transformation into the Divine Soul!
“We could start to educate people to be free and beautiful!
“It would be those for whom the work is a creativity of the soul!
“And the joy will fill these souls because of their own spiritual ascent, because of help to the companions on the Path, as well as from creation of Beauty, Harmony and Order for all people!
“In the process of gaining such a freedom, the souls will purify themselves and will approach the Light and they will serve as an example to others.
“Yes, this will not happen fast, but it is possible!
“The moral purity should become a starting point, the beginning of such a transformation for souls!
“It is necessary to raise the new generations of people to be capable of being free, loving and strong!
“Those worthy of Freedom should create themselves in this way! But we could help them with it!
“This work has been entrusted to us by Those Who initiate the souls into the Holy Light.
“As a result, over the years, those could become the leaders in the human society who are worthy of imitation and admiration! They must be morally pure and beautiful! They must lead the nations to Harmony and peace! With their selfless service to people they will change a lot!
“… It is dangerous when the desire to enrich oneself at the expense of others or enjoyment of 'freedom of command' gains control over the earthly leaders! The power brings them joy! And the people become their victims!
“It is essentially important to purify the mind from all vicious thoughts and desires! Moral purity — it is the only right way to begin the Path!
“Behold how dangerous a big consciousness becomes, controlled by a small and dirty mind!
“And how many woes is such a person capable of causing, perceiving himself as "great"!
“That is exactly how the tyrants come into this world…
“Hamilcar, this should lead you to understand that the development of the soul’s strength should never overtake the growth of love and wisdom in a person!
“The mind and strength should always be in harmony — under the leadership of love!”
… Hamilcar asked:
“How many people have heard your speeches here! But none of them wanted to truly learn from you! They were quite satisfied with your certain advice!
“Why do so many people not want to study at all?!”
“The need of knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge, gradually grows in a person.
“Look: hunger teaches us to earn a living. Sexual desire and procreation teach love and care. This can be observed in both humans and animals.
“At the beginning everybody learns by obeying the passions or the necessities of life. Gradually, over the years, an aspiration for cognition of spiritual knowledge, aspiration for wisdom can be developed in certain people only!
“The serious growth of a soul begins only with the appearance of the conscious need to cognize what is important in life and learn how to truly love.
“That’s why the people’s need to learn and to love should be encouraged!
“Moreover, your every thought should penetrate into the spiritual heart of the listener! And then this person’s mind will be also filled with understanding.
“The soul’s wisdom grows if it is supplied not only with knowledge but also with love!
“… The souls advance to Perfection very slowly.
“It is not easy to transform, change oneself, get rid of bad qualities and start cultivating new skills and states of oneself-soul even if you begin to aspire to this.
“And also, we should help others very carefully: in order not to exceed the capabilities of every specific soul.
“It is very important that a person who is still weak will not be broken under the pressure of new knowledge and mismatch of what he would like to achieve and what he can do at this time!
“Also, it is necessary to ensure that he could see in his teachers those ideals which he aspires to achieve. And the People Who cognized the Truth and represent the Divine Whole could be perceived by him too!
“Besides, among friends and companions, one should have the examples of pure aspiration and willingness to achieve success in a spiritual life and not only in a material life where false values and goals sometimes impede one to see and understand the true purpose of human life!
“That’s why it would be desirable to create communities of those who strive to the Divine Light. Their mutual aid would be a base for those who are still weak but aspiring to the purity and wisdom as well.
“Practical methods of work on self-improvement should be feasible for everyone. And the limitations should be feasible as well, so that the burden should be manageable on the path of the soul!
“It is like a beautiful garden of various souls which should be grown and cultivated! Where there will be a place for the still weak grass, gorgeous roses, and mighty fruit-bearing trees!
“Just like a gardener who can fertilize the soil and protect from cold the barely arising sprouts, he can cut the dry and crooked branches, straightening and directing the growth of both certain plants and the whole garden — the same way as a teacher can gently direct the development and growth of souls.
“But the dirt accumulated by the soul in the past as well as the vicious reactions cannot be removed at one time simply because the soul wanted to become pure. No: the purification of the soul is hard work!
“As a child does not mature within one year that way so a young soul doesn’t quickly overcome the Path to the Unity with the Whole! Only highly mature souls under wise leadership can pass the last stages of the Path within one life!
“But it is useful to give even small portions of kindness and knowledge to young souls — to those who are ready to master the very first lessons at this time.
“Also, it should be taken into consideration that young souls are very receptive and pliable. The stronger ones themselves — usually want to influence others.”
… Hamilcar recalled many powerful and capable beginner seekers whom he had met in his life and noted regretfully that, most likely, none of them would want to become Pythagoras’ disciple. He expressed this thought aloud:
“Yes, many priests in different temples think they know everything and they are only ready to moralize others…
“There are very few of those who, already possessing some knowledge, didn’t become proud and are ready to continue their studies!”
“Yes, Hamilcar. That's why it doesn’t make sense to give everybody the highest methods…
“The ability to generalize the gained knowledge and put it into practice is very important as well. But not everybody is capable of doing this nowadays.
“And that is why, in particular, there are very few around us who are objectively ready and able to study and, in addition, really want this and intend to get rid of their vices! But without this there should be no admission to the highest initiations!
“You could often observe how a foolish person begins to make fun of something that is beyond his understanding… So never strive to give that knowledge to the person who is not ready to accept it yet!
“And you yourself — never laugh at and despise those who have not reached your level of perception because they are not capable of it yet! Look at yourself with the eyes of Omniscient Gods — and behold the smallness of your own knowledge compared to Their Wisdom!
“You and I both should not be ashamed of learning more!
“The Divine Wisdom is boundless and immense! And it constantly is replenished with new findings and discoveries.
“The Primordial Consciousness is the United We, compiled with the Great Perfect Ones. It lives forever and is constantly evolving at the same time!
“So let us never stop the process of Our Self-Perfection as well!
“… There is a law of Paternity-Maternity: the eldest serve the youngest with their wisdom and love-care!
“But it is necessary to always keep in mind that the comprehension of one’s own chosenness to serve the Whole should not be an occasion for pride, perception of the sufficiency of one’s own level of development! Instead, let each leader increase one’s own responsibility for every act, for every word spoken!
“… There is no reason for looking haughtily at younger souls!
“Yes, it is not easy to love people who are not evolutionarily developed enough! Especially when those people are burdened with multiple vices and lowly desires!
“But in order to help humanity it is necessary to master the wise and all-embracing love! Seeing both the vices and glimpses of light in the souls, it is necessary to help germinate the best in them! And this can be done only by someone who has learned to love with the Divine Love!
“Unwise earthly governors which dominate now consider people only as a means to satisfy their own interests. They do not realize that in this way they catastrophically ruin their destinies!
“Being the Vicar of the Divine Will here, on the material plane, can be only one who has mastered the Great Love to the Whole. And it includes in Itself each and every one growing, developing on this piece of the universal beingness which we call the planet Earth.
“We could also teach both: the worthy earthly leaders and those boys and girls who may become the leaders in the future, and of course, all other people who are ready for such a study.”