
Hermeticism is the religious Teachings, originating from the works of Hermes Trismegistus.
Fragments of His Teachings have survived in Greek up to our days.
Hermes Trismegistus is the name of Thoth-the-Atlantean in His next Divine Incarnation that took place in Egypt.
The most valuable materials are selected here.
Welcome to this world of the secret knowledge!

Vladimir Antonov , Ph.D. (in biology)

Seek for the Treasure
 beneath the Pyramid!

Translated from Russian by Anton Teplyy
Corrector of the English translation:
Keenan Murphy

        “Hear and understand: the Flame is the source of all things; everything existing is Its manifestation!
        “... Hold your thoughts on uniting the Light with your human body!
        “Light is the Source of all life; without the Great Light nothing can ever exist!
        “Know that Light is the essence of any material object.
        “Know that all space is filled with worlds within worlds.
        “Deep beneath the image of the Pyramid lies My secret. Seek and find it in the Pyramid that I created.
        “Follow this key that I left for you. Seek and the doorway to the true Life will be yours! Seek in My Pyramid, deep beneath it, and in the Wall.*
        “I repeat that it is though the Pyramid I created that you will find the secret way into the true Life!
        Thus, among other ways, Thoth-the-Atlantean [15] depicted, in ancient times, the spiritual Path offered to incarnate people by God.
        After reading these lines, atheists suggested excavating the sand under the stone pyramids of Egypt...
        However, Thoth-the-Atlantean — the Representative of the Primordial — spoke about something completely different; namely, He spoke about God in the Aspect of the Creator Who is the real Treasure for people.
        I have already explained many times about the structure of the Absolute [3,8,15-16,18-20, and others], but now I will try to expound this knowledge from another point of view, i.e. from the beginning of the process of the creation of our planet.
        There are two basic states in which God in the Aspect of the Creator resides: they are calm and activity. The first one of them is characterized by the tenderest Transparency (such Divine Teachers as Huang Di, Lao Tse, Elisabeth Haich, the Apostle Philip, Bartholomew, Emil, and some Others prefer to be in this state and They teach how to master it). The second state is characterized by an active glow, which can have different manifestations that vary from Light to Divine Fire. The latter is very tender, caressing, and does not burn righteous people.
        I hope that my readers understand that God in the Aspect of the Creator (the Primordial Consciousness) is not a personality, but the United We of All Those Who have attained the Perfection throughout the entire history of God’s existence. They live being dissolved and merged among Themselves.
        That is why it is correct to say that God in the Aspect of the Absolute and in the Aspect of the Primordial Consciousness is one for the entire universe.
        Nevertheless, there are also personal Manifestations of God. These are Holy Spirits, Who can proceed from the United We for some time. Perfect Divine incarnate Teachers are also personal Manifestations of God. They can be called Messiahs, Avatars, or Christs in different human languages.
        Naturally, the creation of our planet did not occur in a few calendar days but in grandiose epochs (if we look at them from our human position).
        It began from the Fiery — Creative — state of God. To be more precise, the process of the creation was entrusted to a Holy Spirit Who calls Himself Adler. Apart from the accounts of Adler about this process, we can find references to this in Tao Te Ching and Bhagavad Gita [6-7,15].
        In order to comprehend the mechanism of the creation of the Earth, it is necessary to accept the knowledge about the real multidimensionality of space. These are not material universes inserted one into another, as some people dream up, but energetical macro volumes or spatial strata, which differ by its levels of subtlety-density and subtlety-coarseness.
        In relation to this, we can speak about the vectors that transpierce these strata: one of them goes from the Creator up to the dense matter and another from the Creator up to hell [3,15,18, and others].
        Adler showed us (and everyone who learns to merge with Him will be able to see the same thing) how He — from His Fiery Infinity — moved out some sort of bud, which was composed of a slightly denser energy state. This bud then started becoming covered with denser layers with the help of the substance from the eon of protoprakriti [3,16, and others].
        After this, thermonuclear reactions happened for a long time inside the terrestrial globe that was formed. Thus, all known elements of matter were created. Later, continents and oceans appeared, as well as organic bodies, which gradually evolved — under the supervision of God — and which were necessary for the incarnation of souls in them.
        From what was said, it becomes clear that the described multidimensional conglomeration is one single structure, a Part of the One Macro Being called Absolute. (See the statements of Pythagoras about this topic in [15]). Its basis is Divine Fire.
        One more thing: it is enough for the Creator to “extinguish” His Fire under some small or big part of the Creation, and this part of the material world disappears, its dematerialization takes place.
        ... What is a human being and what is the totality of all incarnate organisms? What is the meaning of our common existence? Why did the Creator start all this?
        The answer is quite simple: in the bodies of all beings, including our bodies, the evolution of the units of consciousness or souls takes place. Its meaning is that those People Who attained the Perfection, after numerous successful incarnations in the bodies of plants, animals, and humans, flow into the Creator enriching Him with Themselves.
        It is also important to understand that the process of evolutionary development can occur only in the incarnate state, because a material body is a sort of “factory” that converts energy coming out from usual material food into energy for the growing souls. 
        Now the evolutionary path that every soul has to traverse to attain the Perfection becomes quite evident. If we “compress” this information to a significant degree, we can say that this is the path of a person up to his or her personal transformation into the Divine Fire and the Mergence with It.
        How is it possible to achieve this?
        Everyone should understand that his or her development is observed — in every moment! — by Holy Spirits. If one is ethically or intellectually not ready to approach this Goal, Holy Spirits deprive him or her of such possibility. If this person is ready, They give hints about how to develop oneself according to the psychoenergetical line of the development [15-16,18-20].
        ... So, the creation of our planet began from its center, from its core. That is why one of the possibilities of practically cognizing the Creator is to “dive”, as a consciousness, into Him through the Earth core. (Let me mention that the prophecies received by Helena Roerich speak about the same thing [2,15]).
        Obviously, we do not speak here about the material component of the core, but about the core in its subtlest components of multidimensionality.
        It is very hard to learn this and it takes a long time.
        Specifically, one has to become a powerful consciousness, and this power depends on the size of the consciousness, first of all.
        In order to obtain the power of the consciousness, it is necessary that all main energy structures located inside the body be in a good condition. These structures are chakras, dantians, and principal meridians [16]. We were taught this by Babaji from Haidakhan, Jesus, Yogananda, Sathya Sai Baba, Yamamuto, Lao, Han, Danish Lady, Sufi, Yasin, Vasilyok, Ushastik, Borovik and His Mom, Assyris, Radek Volynsky, and Rada.
        The most effective technique for growing the consciousness is its expansion over open spaces like seas, steppes, and deserts, as well as from the top of the mountains.
        We learned this, primarily, from such Divine Teachers as Adler, Pythagoras, Konstantinos, Larisa, Thoth-the-Atlantean, Ngomo, Odin, Sathya Sai Baba, Babaji from Haidakhan, Krishna, Eagle, Yamamuto, Kayr, Helena Sabashnikova, Kurgan-Bashi, Sacral, Ptahhotep, Juanito, Lada, Boris, Maenuel, Eremey, Yasin, Bogatyr, Giant, Wrestler, Sophia, Thya, Hajji Bei Murat, Kim, Lorenz Byron,  Konrad Lorenz, Sufi Grand Master, Sulia [15]. Ask Them for help and They joyously will help everyone who deserves this.
        It is very important to stress that an individual consciousness can grow successfully only against the background of its progressive refinement, aligning itself towards similarity with the Divine Teachers. The attempts to grow oneself as a consciousness against the background of opposite states means to program oneself to move further away from the Creator. This is one of the typical serious mistakes committed by spiritual seekers who lost their way.
        One of the meditative methods that contribute to the advancement on this stage of development is “jumps into the Fiery abyss”.
        Another method, which one needs to master simultaneously, is the transformation of oneself as a consciousness into Light and Fire through the meditation called “Divine Sun” or “The Sun of God” [15].
        Adler, Jesus, Surya, Kayr, Sarkar, Assyris, Nikifor, Yamamata, and Odin [15] help us a lot in mastering this.
        It is possible to master these meditations only if the practitioner has already learned to be a developed spiritual heart [5,8,10,13-21, and others]. Additionally, he or she needs to carry out the bioenergetic purification of his or her body to such a degree that the body looks completely transparent inside, if one looks at it with the help of clairvoyance from the sides of all the segments. Such purity is achieved through the methods presented in [16,18-20,37-38] and in our other books and films.
        The meditations with the “jumps into the abyss” and with the “Divine Sun” is practiced and mastered on special places of power or working sites of Divine Teachers — Holy Spirits.
        It should be noted that Carlos Castaneda inadequately described “jumps into the abyss” in his famous books. It happened because he did not manage, despite all his efforts, to transform himself into a developed spiritual heart. What he described in relation to such “jumps” was nothing but his mystic fantasies.
        This method was taught to us on different places of power by Kayr, Yamamata, Yogashira, Sathya Sai Baba, Nikifor, Adler, Thoth-the-Atlantean, Eagle, Eaglestform, Emil, Radomir, Yasin, Volhva, Sulia, Juan Matus, and Genaro [15].
        I hope that my readers did not come to conclusion that such “jumps” are performed with a material body or that the “abyss” is filled with material fire. No, this is not so! The practitioner himself or herself, as a consciousness (soul), is what “jumps into this abyss”.*
*  The main part of such a consciousness is the developed spiritual heart. “And the only thing that the material fire has in common with the Divine Fire is its visual similarity.”
        On the next stage of the work in this direction, one practices meditations that can be altogether called “Pyramid”. They are “Pyramid” itself, “Volcano”, “Cone”, and “Temple”.
        In contrast to the “Abyss”, these meditative structures have a closed horizontal space inside them (which, however, can be expanded by the practitioner). That is why such “pyramidal” meditations effectively help the practitioner, as a consciousness, to stabilize himself or herself in a certain amount of space. This, in turn, ensures the consecutive growth of the size of the consciousness.
        The basis from which the Pyramid comes out is the Ocean of the Divine Fire, and the Pyramid creates an easy-to-use entrance into It!
        Thus, this Ocean becomes approachable, and the only thing that one needs to do is to learn to live in the Mergence with It and then act from It.
        Adler, Thoth-the-Atlantean, Pythagoras, Cairo, Rossi, Eagle, and Khem taught us these methods most brilliantly.

* * *
        This is a short exposition of the entire Path from the state of a human being up to the Creator. You can find more details about this in our other books and films.
        All people are quite different from the viewpoint of the processes of their evolutionary development. Not everyone who desires this will be able to traverse the whole Path in the foreseeable years. Only few will succeed. That is why if someone has doubts or if he or she is not making any progress, it is better not to be in a hurry. For this person for now it is not necessary to strive to “jump into the abyss! It is better to choose for yourself in this case a way of serving God that will be adequate to your wishes and possibilities [2,9-11,15,25,33]. You can also purify yourself ethically and bioenergetically, grow yourself as a spiritual heart, and develop the arms of such a heart, so that they will become huge, loving, and tender! Then it will be much easier to advance further from the stages that you have already mastered!
        I wish success to all of you!

*   “Wall” is also one of the images of the higher stages of meditative practice.
*Prior to this, the ability to almost completely exit the body and then come back into it when necessary has to be mastered.

        1.    Akinfiev I.Y. — Vegetarianism from Biological Standpoint. Ekaterinoslav, 1914 (in Russian).
        2.     Antonov V.V. — Divine Fire. Practice of Agni Yoga. SPb, “Zolotoy Vek”, 1997 (in Russian).
        3.    Antonov V.V. — The New Upanishad: Structure and Cognition of the Absolute. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2011.
        4.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — God Speaks. Textbook of Religion. “Polus”, Saint Petersburg, 2002 (in Russian).
        5.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Heart: Path to the Creator (Poems-Meditations and Revelations). “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2007 (in Russian).
        6.    Antonov V.V. — The Bhagavad Gita with Commentaries. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        7.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Tao Te Ching. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        8.    Antonov V.V. — Spiritual Heart — Religion of Unity. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        9.    Antonov V.V. — Life for God. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2014.
        10.    Antonov V.V. — How God Can Be Cognized. Autobiography of a Scientist Who Studied God. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        11.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Forest Lectures on the Highest Yoga. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        12.    Antonov V.V. — Sexology: Development and Regulation of the Reproductive Function. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        13.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Work with Children. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        14.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — How God Can Be Cognized. Book 2. Autobiographies of God’s Disciples. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        15.    Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        16.    Antonov V.V. — Ecopsychology. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        17.    Antonov V.V. — The Original Teachings of Jesus Christ. “New Atlanteans”, 2013.
        18.    Antonov V.V — Anatomy of God. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2014.
        19.    Antonov V.V — “Bubbles of Perception”. “New Atlanteans”, 2015.
        20.    Antonov V.V — To Understand God. “New Atlanteans”, 2015.
        21.    Antonov V.V., Zubkova A.B. — Taoism. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013.
        22.    Harmony through Vegetarianism. “Society for Vedic Culture”, Saint Petersburg, 1996 (in Russian).
        23.    Zubkova A.B. — Story about Princess Nesmeyana and Ivan. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2007.
        24.    Zubkova A.B. — Divine Parables. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        25.    Zubkova A.B. — Dialogues with Pythagoras. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        26.    Zubkova A.B. — Dobrynya. Bylinas. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        27.    Zubkova A.B. (comp.) — Book of the Born in the Light. Revelations of the Divine Atlanteans. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        28.    Zubkova A.B. — Parables of Lao Tse. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2011.
        29.    Zubkova A.B. — Divine Stories of Slavic Lands. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013.
        30.    Zubkova A.B. — Parables about the Elder Zosima. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013.
        31.    Zubkova A.B. — Story about Knyaz Dmitry and Volhva. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013.
        32.    Zubkova A.B. — Sufi Parables. “New Atlanteans”, 2014.
        33.    Zubkova A.B. — Lessons of Pythagoras. “New Atlanteans”, 2016.
        34.    Castaneda, Margaret — A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda. “Myth”, Kr., 1998 (in Russian).
        35.    Okulov A. and others (eds.) — Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Mysl”, Moscow, 1989 (in Russian).
        36.    Spalding B. — Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. “DeVorss & Co”, 1924.
        37.    Tatyana M. — On the Other Side of the Material World. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2012.
        38.    Teplyy A.B. (comp.) — Book of the Warrior of Spirit. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008.
        39.    Tolstoy L.N. — First stage. In: The Complete Set of Works of L.N.Tolstoy in 90 volumes. Volume 29. First series — 1891. “Judozhestvenaya literatura”, Moscow, 1954 (in Russian).
        40.    Haich E. — Initiation. “Sfera”, Moscow, 1998 (in Russian).
        41.    Hislop J.S. — Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba. “Society for Vedic Culture”, Saint Petersburg, 1994 (in Russian).