
Hermeticism is the religious Teachings, originating from the works of Hermes Trismegistus.
Fragments of His Teachings have survived in Greek up to our days.
Hermes Trismegistus is the name of Thoth-the-Atlantean in His next Divine Incarnation that took place in Egypt.
The most valuable materials are selected here.
Welcome to this world of the secret knowledge!



“I began preaching to people the beauty of religion and knowledge.
“O people, men born on the Earth, who indulge in drunkenness, sleep, and the ignorance of God! Sober up, cease your surfeit, awake from your dullness!
“Why do you give up yourselves to death while you have power to partake of immortality?
“Depart from the dark path, be partakers of immortality, abandon forever your vices!
“Nowhere but in God can you find good!”
(From Hermes’* address to the Egyptians)

        Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea. There existed a highly developed civilization of the Atlanteans. The most important point about this civilization is that it possessed the true religious-philosophical knowledge, which allowed many people to advance quickly in their development — up to the Divine level — and accomplish thus their personal human evolution.
        However, with time Atlantis’ spiritual culture degraded, and as a result the power in the country was taken over by aggressive people, who preferred black magic and domination over others rather than the principle of the true spiritual development. Then God made the islands of Atlantis sink into the ocean.
        But the higher spiritual knowledge was preserved by some Atlanteans, Who achieved Divinity. They brought it into Egypt and other countries, where this knowledge existed for some time providing a basis for the local spiritual culture.

*   Hermes Trismegistus is the name of Thoth-the-Atlantean in His next incarnation in Egypt.

About the Emerald Tablets*

        In the Emerald Tablets, Thoth-the-Atlantean explains the reason for the de-struction of Atlantis: confidential knowledge was imparted to unworthy people and the latter began using it for evil purposes. They adopted also bloody sacri-fices — and this resulted in numerous incarnations of hellish beings among people.
        When the destruction of Atlantis happened (two islands submerged into the ocean one after another according to the Divine Will), Thoth-the-Atlantean moved to Egypt (Khem) with a group of other Divine Atlanteans.
        The Primordial*1  advised Thoth thus: “Go forth as a Teacher of men! Go forth preserving the records (with Teachings) until in time the Light grows among men!
        “Light*2 shall You be all through the ages, hidden yet found by enlightened men.
        “For working on all the Earth, give We You power, free You to give it to others or take it away.”
        And then Thoth worked as a Representative of the Primordial.
        … Thoth relates that He went the entire Path to Mergence with the Primordial. He writes that anyone can traverse this Path. The Path necessarily contains obstacles, which create difficulties for travelers: these difficulties prevent weak, ethically unworthy, or intellectually immature people from going further. “Go! But do not take with you the unwise, insincere, weak!” says Thoth.
        Thoth gives basic recommendations for initial harmonization of the chakra system. For fulfilling just these recommendations He promises health and longevity.*3
        On the higher stages of meditative practices (i.e. on the stage of Buddhi Yoga), one has to dive with the consciousness into the Depths of the multidi-mensional space and cognize there “star worlds” and the Light of the Great Fire on the Path to the Abode of the Primordial*4. There are also other spatial dimen-sions, which are “vacant to all seeming, yet hidden within them are the keys…”*5
        Thoth also explains one of the higher meditations — the Temple and its par-ticular variation — the Pyramid.
        About the history of His own spiritual ascent Thoth says the following:
        “Once in a time long forgotten, I, Thoth, opened the doorway, penetrated into other spaces and learned of the secrets concealed.
        “Often did I journey down the dark pathway unto the space where the Light ever glows.
        “Long then dwelt I in the Temple of the Primordial until at last I was One with the Light.”
        Later Thoth embodied again in Egypt as Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice-born)*6.
* * *
        Thoth gives the following directions to spiritual seekers:
        Preserve and keep the command of the Primordial One:
        Look in your life for disorder and get rid of it! Balance and order your life!
        Quell all the chaos of emotions and you shall have harmony in life.*7
        Conquer by silence the bondage of words.
        Keep ever your eyes on the Light!
        Surely when you deserve it, you shall be one with your Master! And surely then you shall be one with the All*8!
        Know My commandments! Keep them and fulfill them, and I will be with you, helping and guiding you into the Light!
        Out of the darkness shall you rise upward, one with the Light!
        Man has to strive to become the “Divine Sun”*9.
        Follow this Path and you shall be One with the All!
        Light comes only to those who strive. Hard is the Pathway that takes to the Wisdom; hard is the Pathway that takes to the Light. Many stones shall you find in your pathway, many mountains you shall climb towards the Light.
        Man, know that always beside you walk the Messengers of Light. Open to all is Their Pathway, to all who are ready to walk into the Light!
        Suns are They, Messengers of Light to shine among men. Like man are They and yet are unlike.
        Know that many dark shadows shall fall on your light*10 striving to quench with the shadows of darkness the light of the soul that strives to be free. Many the pitfalls that lie on this Way. Seek ever to gain Greater Wisdom! Cognize — you shall know the Light!
        Light is eternal and darkness is fleeting. Seek ever, O man, for the Light! Know ever that as Light fills your being, darkness for you shall soon disappear!
        Open the soul to the Messengers of Light! Let Them enter and fill you with Light!
        Keep ever your face to this Goal!
        … Open the soul, O man, to the cosmos and let it “flow” through you as one with the soul!*11
        Man’s evolution consists in the process of changing to forms that are not of this world. Grows he in time to the formless — to live on a higher plane. Know that you must become formless before you can be one with the Light.
        Listen, O man, to My voice, telling of pathways to Light, showing the way of attainment: how you shall become one with the Light:
        Search first the mysteries of the Earth’s Heart! Seek the Flame*12 of the Living Earth! Bathe in the glare of this Flame!
        Know, O man, you are complex, a being of matter and of Fire. Let your Flame*13 shine out brightly! Be you only the Flame!
        Seek ever more Wisdom! Find it in the Heart of the Flame! Know that only by your striving can Light pour into you!
        Only the one, who of Light has the fullest, can hope to pass by the guards of the Way, who prevent unworthy people from entering it.
        You shall cognize yourself as Light and make yourself ready to pass on the Way.
        Wisdom is hidden in darkness. When shining with Soul-Flame, find you the Wisdom, then shall you be born again as Light, and then shall you become the “Divine Sun”*14.
        Grow into One with the Light! Be a channel of Divine Principles to the world of men!
        Seek, O man, to find the great Pathway that lets in to eternal Life — through the image of the “Divine Sun”!
        … Know, O man, you are only a soul! The body is nothing! The soul is everything! Let not your body be a fetter!
        Cast off the darkness and travel in Light! Learn to cast off your body, O man, and be free from it!*15  Become the true Light and unite then with the Great Light!*16
        Know that throughout space the eternal and infinite Consciousness exists. Though from superficial knowledge It is hidden, yet still forever exists.
        The key to these Higher worlds is within you; it can be found only within.*17
        Open the gateway within you, and surely you, too, shall live the true life!
        … Man, you think that you live… but know that your former life can bring you only to death. For as long as you are bound to your body, no true life exists for you! Only the soul which is free from the material world has life which is a really true life! All else is only a bondage, a fetter from which to be free!
        Think not that man is born for the earthly! Though born on the Earth, man is a light-like spirit! Yet, without true knowledge man can never become free!
        … Darkness surrounds the souls seeking to be born in Light. Darkness fetters souls… Only the one who is seeking may ever hope for Freedom!
        Let you be the “Divine Sun” of the Great Light! Fulfill this and you shall be free!
        The Great Light that fills all the cosmos is willing to help you, O man! Make you of your body a torch of Light that shall shine among men!
        … Hear and understand: the Flame is the source of all things; all things are its manifestation!
        Seek to be One with the “Divine Sun”!
        Hold your thought on uniting the Light with your human body.
        Light is the Source of all the life; for without the Great Light nothing can ever exist!
        Know, Light is the basis of all formed matter.
        Know, O man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds.
        Deep beneath the image of the Pyramid lies My secret. Seek and find it in the Pyramid I built.
        Follow this key I left for you. Seek and the doorway to the true Life shall be yours! Seek in My Pyramid deep beneath it, and in the Wall.*18
        Know that it is in the Pyramid I built that you shall find the secret way into the true Life.
        … Seek and find there That which I have hidden! There shall you find the “underground entrance” to the secrets hidden before you were men.
        Know We that of all, nothing else matters except the growth one can gain with the soul. Know We the flesh is fleeting. The things men count great are nothing to Us. The things We expect from you are not of your bodies but are only the perfected state of the souls.
        When you can learn that nothing but progress of the soul can count in the end, then truly you are free from all bondage, free to work in accordance with your predestination!
        Know, O man, you are to aim at Perfection, for only thus can you attain to the Goal!
        Know that the future is never in fixation but follows man’s free will! Man can only “read the future” through the causes that bring the effects in destinies.
        Know that your body when in perfect balance may never be touched by the finger of death! Aye, even “accidents” may only approach when you abandon your predestination! When you are in harmony with your predestination, you shall live on in time and not taste of death.
        … Know you not that in the Earth’s Heart is the source of harmony of all things that exist and have been on its face? By the soul you are connected with the Earth’s Heart, and by your flesh — with the matter of Earth.
        When you have learned to maintain harmony in yourself, then shall you draw on from the harmony of the Earth’s Heart. Exist then shall you while Earth is existing, changing in form, only when Earth, too, shall change: tasting not of death, but one with this planet, living in your body till all pass away.
        … Three are the qualities of God in His Light-Home*19: Infinite Power, Infi-nite Wisdom, Infinite Love.
        Three are the powers given to spiritual Masters: to transmute evil, to assist good, to use discrimination*20.
        Three are the things They manifest: Power, Wisdom, and Love.
        Three are the Manifestations of Spirit creating all things: Divine Love possessing the perfect knowledge, Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means of helping living beings in their development, Divine Power which is possessed by the Primordial Consciousness Whose essence is Divine Love and Wisdom.
        Darkness and Light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from one Source. Darkness is chaos. Light is Divine Harmony. Dark-ness transmuted is Light.
        This, My children, is your purpose in being: transmutation of darkness into Light!

*   This chapter presents a selection of excerpts (compiled and edited by Dr.V.Antonov) from the book of Divine Thoth-the-Atlantean discovered by Dr.M.Doreal in his expedition to the pyramids in South America.
*1  The Primordial Consciousness, the Creator, God-the-Father, Jehovah, Allah, Tao, Svarog, and other names used in different languages — all these are synonyms.
*2  Light is not a symbol but a real state of the Divine Consciousness.
*3  See information about the chakras and methods of working with them in [6].
*4  The Primordial Consciousness; synonyms: the Creator, God-the-Father, Jehovah, Allah, Tao, Svarog and other terms in different languages.
*5  These “spaces” are really existing spatial dimensions (planes, eons, lokas) that can be cognized by a developed consciousness. They are represented on the scheme for studying the structure of the Absolute published in [6].
*6  See explanation in the Gospel of Philip.
*7  There has to remain only the emotions of love on the background of inner quietness — hesychia.
*8  By All or Whole here and further in the text Thoth means God in the aspect of Absolute.
*9  This is one of the final meditations on the spiritual Path.
*10  Light appearing in the spiritual heart when a soul begins to walk the spiritual Path.
*11  This can be achieved only by means of work with the spiritual heart.
*12  Flame or Divine Fire is one of the states of the Divine Consciousness. This is also described in the Teachings of Agni Yoga.
*13  This statement concerns the Atmic component of the human multidimensional organism. On the Path of the spiritual growth man has to cognize himself as Atman and then to merge with the Paramatman. Two latter concepts are denoted also as Higher Self.
*14  This constitutes the second and third Births.
*15  This can be realized correctly only through the work on developing oneself as a spiritual heart. If one tries to perform it in other way, such a person comes to coarse spatial dimensions. How to “open” and develop the spiritual heart is shown and explained in detail in our video film Spiritual Heart and in our other films and books.
*16  I.e., Atman, which is one with Paramatman.
*17  Within the developed spiritual heart.
*18  This concerns the higher stages of meditative practice.
*19  The Abode of the Creator.
*20  Discrimination of the qualities of souls and determination of the best conditions for their development.


        I say here only truth and nothing else!
        That which is below is similar to that which is above. And that which is above is similar to that which is below. One has to know this in order to gain the cognition of the marvelous Primordial One!*1
        Everything material came into existence by the intent of the Primordial One. All material objects became manifest through densification of the energy by the Primordial One.
        The Sun*2 is the Father of the manifested world; the “lunar”*3 is its mother. The Holy Spirit “brings up” developing souls; the Earth nurtures them. The Fa-ther of all the development in the entire universe is present always and every-where.
        His Power is the Supreme Power! It is supreme to everything else! And It is manifested on the Earth — in Its Omnipotence!
        Thus you should divide: the earthly — and the Fiery*4, the coarse — and the subtle! Act, at that, with great caution, awe, and understanding!
        Become the Subtlest Fire — and cognize the Heavenly! Thus you achieve the Mergence. Then come back to the Earth — and you will perceive the Subtlest and will have power to transform effectively the imperfect.
        This will mean that you have achieved the glory of Mergence with the Primordial One and rid yourself of the darkness of ignorance.
        The Power of the Primordial One is present beneath everything: beneath both the subtlest and the coarse — and controls them. It is in this way that the Creation exists. And thanks to this marvelous connectedness of Everything the development goes on.
        This is why My name is Hermes Thriceborn: for I act in all three planes of existence*5 and possess the wisdom of the entire universe!
        Thus I have said everything I wanted to say about the doing of the Sun.

*1  This concerns one particular meditation of Buddhi Yoga that allows achieving full Mergence with the Primordial Consciousness.
*2  “Divine Sun”, the “Sun of God”. Again this concerns one of the highest meditations of the Buddhi Yoga.
*3  By “lunar” Hermes calls the substance of the “trans-mirror” eons — protoprakriti and protopurusha. From the latter, matter and souls are formed (see [6]).
*4  Fiery Manifestations of the Creator.
*5  In the eons of the Creator, the Holy Spirit, and in the world of matter.


“To cognize the Divine Essence —
this is the highest purpose of soul
sent by the Creator to the Earth!”

        Pythagoras lived on the Earth about 570-500 B.C. He is known as a Greek philosopher and mathematician. He was a strict vegetarian. In the town of Croton in southern Italy, He founded a philosophical religious brotherhood, which became widespread with time. The purpose of the Pythagorean brotherhood was the morality renovation of society, purification of religious views, and imparting confidential methods of spiritual development to deserving students. The brotherhood was a monastic community consisting of both men and women, who regarded Pythagoras as an Incarnation of God. The activity of that great School ended due to massacre perpetrated by primitive people…
        … Pythagoras composed works on philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and music. In particular, He knew about the sphericity of the Earth and that inside it there is the Central Fire. He also taught about the immortality of souls and about their gradual development in a series of incarnations.
        … At present, Pythagoras manifests Himself as a non-incarnate Divine Teacher, a Representative of the Creator. He supervises the area of the Mediterranean Sea and its coast.
* * *
        … Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea. His birth was predicted. Through a prophet God told the parents about the birth of a boy who would grow and become glorious thanks to his wisdom, beauty, and great deeds.
        From childhood Pythagoras displayed abilities and interest to philosophy and other sciences. He studied medicine, biology, astronomy, and mathematics, learning them from famous scholars of that time; He learned also music and painting. Then He continued His religious education in Egypt, where He was initiated into priesthood. Then He went to Persia, where He continued studying the mystical knowledge.
        In mature age, Pythagoras founded His spiritual School in the city of Croton. We know about the work of this School from stories narrated by several great Disciples of Pythagoras, Who also attained Divinity in Mergence with the Creator thanks to Pythagoras’ help.
* * *
        And now let us become acquainted with a translation of the ancient text Golden Verses of Pythagoras, which was studied by beginner students in His School.

Golden Verses of Pythagoras*


        Worship the Immortal Gods*1 by making your sacrifice: keeping your faith, honoring great heroes, living in harmony in the world.


        Honor your mother and father, and your relatives.
        Choose for yourself wise friends; heed their advice and learn from their virtues; do not quarrel with them for trifle reasons.
        Remember about the law of cause and effect in your life.
        You are given the ability to overcome your passions: greed, laziness, lust, and anger; use it and restrain yourself!
        Do nothing shameful, neither in the presence of others, nor when you are alone! Preserve your honor!
        Practice justice in your words and deeds; follow the dictates of the mind and the law.
        Remember that all people are destined to die.
        Remember that the earthly boons can be easily given to people and so easily they can be taken from them.
        As for the misfortunes that are sent to people according to their destinies, you have to endure them patiently. Strive nevertheless to alleviate the pain as much as you can. And remember that the Immortal Gods never send to people trials above their strength.
        There are many possibilities people can choose from. There are bad and there are good ones. So, look carefully and choose for yourself the noble Path.
        If among people delusion prevails over truth, the wise steps aside and waits until truth reigns again.
        Heed to what I am going to tell you:
        Do not let deeds and thoughts of other people confuse you; let them not prompt you to do or say anything evil!
        Listen to others’ advice and deliberate yourself! Only fools act thoughtlessly, without consideration!
        Do not try to do work of which you are ignorant, but learn first what is necessary — only then will you succeed!
        Do not neglect the health of your body. Give to the body food, drink, and exercise in measure — so that it will strengthen and know not surfeit and slumber!
        Keep your life in order. Abandon any luxury, for it can make other people envious.
        Be afraid of becoming a stingy person, but fear also to squander goods like careless people do.
        Do only that which will not bring you to destruction! Therefore, before acting, deliberate on your every step and deed.


        Before sleep closes your eyes, remember thrice your deeds of the day. Consider them as an impartial judge and ask yourself: “What good did I do? What did I fail to do that I should have done?” Thus review everything you did throughout the day. Reproach yourself severely for all wrong deeds! Be glad about the good ones!
        Reflect on these instructions and practice them! With their help you can approach Perfection! The warrantor of this truth is He Who put in us the basis for Divine Realization and higher virtues!
        Address the Gods with fervent request for help and get to work!
        Standing firmly on this Path, you will know everything about the Immortal Gods. You will know also about people, about the difference between them, about the One Who contains them in Himself, being their Foundation. You will know that the entire universe is a Single Whole, and that in the Eternal there is no dead matter.
        Having known this, you will make no mistakes, for nothing will be hidden from you!
        You will know also that people themselves cause their calamities due to ignorance! They are free in choosing their destinies!
        Wretches! They do not see that the desired happiness resides in them, in their own depths!
        Only a few can cast away afflictions with their own efforts, for most people are blind to the law of the formation of their destinies! Like wheels they roll downhill carrying the burden of their past misdeeds towards others, the burden which controls their destinies until death comes…
        Instead of seeking occasions for a quarrel, people should avoid it, conceding to each other without arguing…
        O omnipotent Zeus, are You alone capable of saving the human kind from afflictions by showing them the veil of ignorance which blinds their eyes?!
        But we should not abandon hope of saving people from the darkness of ignorance — for every human has a Divine root and the nature can reveal to people its mysteries. Once you know them, you will realize what I foretell you!
        Heal the soul! This will reveal to you the way to Liberation!
        And abstain from eating flesh: this is contrary to your nature and will prevent you from purifying yourself!
        So if you want to become free from the earthly fetters, follow this understanding given to you from above. Let it control your destiny.
        And after you transform the soul completely, you can defeat death and become an Immortal God!

*   Based on the Russian translation of E.P.Kaznacheeva.
*1  Pythagoras means here the Holy Spirits.


Written down by Anna Zubkova

Under editorship of Dr.Vladimir Antonov

Translated into English by
Anton Teplyy and Vladimir Antonov

With commentaries of
Pythagoras, Elisabeth Haich, and Vladimir Antonov

Corrector of the English translation:
Keenan Murphy


        I would like to speak through you. I suggest you to start writing a new book. It may be called “Book of Born-Again in the Light. Keys to the Mysteries of Existence”.
        I will be grateful to anyone who can help to materialize this idea for people of your time and for future generations.
        My knowledge of Atlantis, Egypt, and Greece is great.
        I am one of the Transmitters of the Truth for humanity. This is My Work! I have done it before and I keep doing it right now!
        I would like that people associate My name not only with papyrus scrolls placed near the heads of the dead bodies or with forgotten rituals… My Message came to people through the Emerald Tablets, but this is not all too…
        Listen — and you will know that which I have not told to people yet!
        The Schools of higher spiritual knowledge are indestructible! They exist as some a kind of living library. Here the knowledge is not contained in the books but in the Souls That assimilated Wisdom and Light. This knowledge is preserved for the eternity because These Souls are immortal!
        Now it is your task to make accessible the part of these great treasures of the Spirit.
* * *
        Hark, oh people, to the voice of the Atlantean Who was called Thoth!
        The Earth was lying in the cradle of the Creating Hands when I came to it and took the knowledge of the Creating Power, in Which there is the Source of everything!
        I would like to give the Message to the humankind of the Earth for the centuries to come and for the present time. There are simple instructions for every day of life, instructions that can help the one who walks the Path of Light.
        God really exists! He can be perceived by the developed soul-consciousness as the intangible Living and Subtlest Light.
        Everyone who seeks the Divine Light and works to perceive It will cognize It!
        For this the soul must be refined, must become tenderly transparent. And then it starts burning with the Divine Fire.
        I want to tell you about the Path that leads to the Light!
        I will give nine keys to the mysteries hidden within everyone!
        The keys to all the mysteries of existence are in every one of us, in our multidimensional nature, similar to the multidimensional structure of the universe.
        When I say that they are hidden, I do not mean that someone has hidden them but just that they have not been discovered and comprehended by us yet!
        A seed has the possibility to become a plant. In the same way, a human being has the possibility to become God! Just as the natural destiny of a seed is to become a plant — so the natural destiny of any person is to grow and to become God!
        Not each seed and not every person grows and realizes its potential. But human beings are conscious. They are able to comprehend the steps of the growth of a soul and to move through them towards the Mergence with the Primordial Light!
        Human beings are not material bodies. Matter is only a temporary clothing of a soul.
        Human beings are souls, born to obtain the Immortality! The predestination of every one of them is to become the Soul That carries the Light and then to enrich the United Ocean of the Perfect Ones, Ocean That creates everything in the universe!
        So I give you these keys! You can take and use them to obtain love, wisdom, and power on your Path of Self-Perfecting.


Keys to the Mysteries of Existence

Chapter One.
Key of Freedom

        Remember, listener! The future starts today! It begins right now!
        Your future starts always right now, as well as the future of the whole Earth! Remember that!
        This is my key to Freedom: one determines one’s own future by oneself! Right now you can create your own future!
        Moreover, even without knowing about it, you inevitably do it. Yet you can also do it consciously!
        Every moment of time is the present that determines your future!
        The past is already gone. It always doesn’t exist! Those things from the past remain with you that you are not ready to leave behind, that are dear to you, that you hold strongly and that you are attached to. They may be positive or negative and move you forward or hinder your evolution… Nevertheless, every time you are the one who can choose from all your past that which you want to take with you to your future!
        Negative karma exists as long as a person cannot choose consciously only the Creator and leave everything else in order to enter the Life of the Creating Divine Power.
        Yet to prepare yourself for this immersion, you should control your own future.
        You are the one who can choose how you want to live!
        You choose it right now by your way of thinking and acting, by the emotions in which you live!
        You should decide for what and how you are going to live!
        This is what forms your future!
        The law of karma ties people only because they are not ready or do not want to cleanse themselves of the negative past and continue to project it onto their own future. Each person is such a “projector” and projects onto his or her own future his or her emotional states, behavioral patterns, and state of the energies within the body and “cocoon”.
        To become free from the negative karma, mechanism of repentance exists. One eliminates vices in oneself — and they stop “projecting” events onto one’s future, those events that might be needed to understand and eliminate specific vices…
        God is in everything existing. He revives, creates, and develops the whole world. Everything will change dramatically in the life of the one who will learn to notice and feel the constant presence of God in one’s life.
        Love — as the quality of a soul — is what allows this happen. The love for God, Who creates everything in the universe, is what allows a person to build, to co-create the future in cooperation with Him — the Higher Creative Power!
        Similarly, the entire community of people determines right now its common future in the world. It depends on each one of them. It is the sum of all contributions, big or small, positive or negative, of numerous people.
        Those Who become Mahatmas have the greatest responsibility for the destiny of the Earth! Their contribution can be enormous!…
        … The past is opened to anyone who is able to see the flow of time.
        The future is created by the one who has cognized one’s own past.
        The future is not fixed. It changes when new causes create new situations. This is how every person creates his or her own future right now!
        Having cognized your own fetters, i.e. the evil qualities of the soul, you should know about the possibility to rise from the darkness and shine in the Light!
        Flesh contains the fetters for the soul, but at the same time it gives the opportunity for growth.
        You can subdue and control the desires of flesh through the abstinence! You can strengthen your willpower struggling against your flaws!
        Refraining from excesses in food — you conquer the desire of eating too much. Refraining from the idle chatter — you conquer your mind. Forcing yourself to control and to eliminate immediately your negative emotions — you gain the ability to control your emotional sphere. Cultivating love as the state of the soul — you direct your steps towards the Light!
        The means of controlling the inner state of yourself-soul are inside the multidimensional structure of your organism. I speak about chakras. After having learnt to control them through knowing yourself inside your own body, you will be able to leave temporarily this material envelope in order to travel in the Light, cognize It, and merge with It!
        A human body is the unique and perfect creation of God! It is designed to live 700 — 900 years, during which one can keep developing oneself as a soul. Many in Atlantis lived so. The same I can say about successful disciples of God who lived among people scattered over the central area of Eurasia in the same era.
        The potential of health inherent to the structure of a human body allows restoring and reviving the work of its broken systems and organs. Full acceptation and application of this knowledge could create a revolution in modern medicine! The cases of healing when the power of a human soul was used to restore bodily functions and health are well-known for your contemporaries, but… Absurdity and barbarism, manifested in the lack of understanding of the meaning of life on the Earth, threaten humanity with troubles and disasters…
        This is so, because one of the purposes of the natural and technological disasters happening on the planet is to force people to begin thinking about the meaning of human life and about the life of the whole planet on which humanity lives…
        You are a part of what is called humanity and can start changing both your future and the future of the Earth!
        Let everyone do it, starting with self-transformation!
        … When something bad happens to you, accustom yourself to asking the question “what for?” instead of “why?”!
        To look for your faults and errors in your past is always useful! Repentance is something necessary! But even more useful is to look into the future! In this case, the overcoming of each obstacle in your destiny will raise you out of an abyss of suffering, out of the captivity of the causes and effects of sansara. This positive attitude with a look into the future allows you to pass quickly and efficiently the difficult parts of your own destiny and do not cast the shadows of new errors on your future.
        And the most important of all for you is to always feel the Presence of God in everything, in yourself and in what is happening with you right now!


Chapter Two.
Key of Silence

        Listen to what I will say and remember!
        The Messengers of Light live among people to avoid the knowledge of the Truth being lost!
        I know the full Path of the soul: from a human being — to God!
        And everyone should know that it is possible for him or her to accomplish this as well! This is the meaning of life in the body: to develop the individual consciousness up to the Divinity!
        Everything created serves to this goal! Each “drop of life” — the soul — should grow, becoming more and more complex in its development and striving for the Mergence with the Supreme Consciousness!
        God — in the Aspect of the Creator — is the Boundless Ocean of the Eternal and Subtlest Consciousness, by Whom everything was created and is controlled in the universe.
        The Earth is a small planet in the boundless space… The cosmos is full of life… So let every star in the sky remind you about the eternal and infinite spaciousness in which God creates everything!
        Let our golden star — the Sun — also remind you about the Creative Power of God!
        … When I do not speak — listen to My silence! And when I speak — hark to my words and thoughts!
        Saturate and fill yourself with My states!
        Listen to the silence! I give you the key to the Silence! Listen!
        … Eternity… — it is also possible to listen to it! Eternity does not have small superficial sounds. Eternity is the silence… This is the length of time from minus infinity to plus infinity… And at each point of this infinity there exists a moment “now”, in which there is the profound silence of eternity…
        Sounds come and go in the river of time… But the silence always exists! This is the silence of the universe, the silence of God!
        Listen! Become filled with this silence! Become filled with it so that all the superficial and unnecessary will be displaced!…
        And then you will be able to fill this silence with yourself!
        Inside this silence — you may learn wisdom. Thanks to this, you will be able to distinguish between the important and the unimportant.
        By learning to listen to the silence, you will be able to see from the Depths, since this silence fills My Depths too.
        And from there, from My Peace, the essence of the Whole is visible.
        The ability to listen to the silence is developed through the immersion into the center of yourself — into the spiritual heart. There are three chakras above and three chakras below; and in the chest, in the cavity of the chakra anahata, there is the most important part of the human organism. A door can be found in its depth and opened to the Divine Love and to My Calm!
        But for this door to be opened — the same level of subtlety of the consciousnesses should exist on both sides of this door.
        Fill your spiritual heart with peace — and only then — in the infinity of silence — you will find this door.
        And if you fill your spiritual heart with the fire of love for the Creator — the door to the Divine Flame of His Love will be opened for you!
        On the contrary, if there is only dull and gray twilight of the indifference in the cavity of your chakra anahata — then the door to the worlds of Light cannot be opened…
        … Learn to be in silence among people as well!
        Idle talks of a person who has not mastered the silence impede the progress of this person and of others on this Path!
        Avoid unnecessary words: do not burden with them the minds of your interlocutors!
        Avoid the idle talks of other people in order to maintain the purity of silence in yourself!
        Verbosity brings nothing good! The excess of speeches results only in confusion!
        Let the silence be illuminated only with the words of wisdom, given to you or to others by you!
        Only the one who has cognized the mergence with the silence obtains a great benefit: freedom from idle talks of the mind!
        Through silence — you open for yourself the Path of heart and wisdom!


Chapter Three.
Key of Love

        Love is the key that opens to the soul the gate to the Light, to the cognition of the Creator!
        This Path is the Path of the spiritual heart. It can be represented as a ladder consisting of many steps and landings.
        The degree of transformation of the soul-consciousness into Love predetermines what abilities will be entrusted and opened to this soul by the Divine Guides.
        Stability in the states of love and peace is what the person who masters the steps of the evolutionary Path should demonstrate. Such a person will be always tested by Us on the stability of these states of consciousness. Each time when he or she passes successfully one of these tests — the key of Love will open the next gate to him or her.
        Yes, when a disciple comes closer to the next level of initiation — the tests on the stability arise immediately before him or her. Only if this disciple can overcome with the help of the key of Love the obstacles that arise — he or she will be considered worthy of ascending to the next stage of gradual cognition of the Boundless One.
        The above said is one of the laws of the soul’s development in the Universal School.
        All that the soul gains before obtaining the key of Love is only a preliminary stage of the spiritual growth; it is only a “kindergarten” of the Evolution.
        … You should know that the Light is hidden in your nature! Darkness is only the outer cover! Search for Light in the depths of your spiritual heart!
        Only through love, you will be able to reach the Unity with the Whole!
        Vanquish the darkness inside yourself! Dispel the dark veil that separates you from the Light of Truth!
        You should follow what you will comprehend in your spiritual heart because it is a home of Light inside you and the source of love, which, growing, can embrace everything!
        Let your love be the herald of your morning!
        Let your love illuminate the beginning of each one of your days, burning more and more with every hour like a rising sun!
        Let every day of your life on the Earth pass not in vain!
        Be open with your light of love to people who appeal to you! And then let everyone take, as a gift from you, that which he or she can encompass.
        If, on the contrary, the light of your love is closed to people — this is your fault before God!
        Pour out your heart light as the sun pours out its light in the morning! Make the flame of love your essence! And then the soul will kindle with the fire of love that embraces everything and everyone!
        Yet you have to make a lot of efforts so that the soul can become pure and burn steadily with the light of love!