Vladimir Antonov (Ph.D. in biology)
God doesn’t exist only on icons, in statues, in the ancient books and prophecies. But He is always everywhere, being the constant Witness and Participant in the life of each one of us. I am talking now about God in the aspect of the Holy Spirit, first of all (or, more precisely, the Holy Spirits).
Moreover, we — both as souls and bodies — are particles of God in the aspect of the Absolute.
The Absolute is multidimensional. The main Part of It, also called the Primordial Consciousness, God-the-Father, Allah, Tao, Ishvara, or the Heart of the Absolute — is the Creator, Who abides in the highest, subtlest spatial dimension.
“God is Love” — this phrase is related to the Creator, to the Holy Spirit, and to the incarnate Representatives of the Creator.
The Holy Spirits are the non-embodied Representatives of the Creator. In the past They were incarnate people, spiritual seekers, who evolved positively and reached the state of Oneness with Him — and now come out of Him in order to help embodied beings.
The Path to the cognition of the Creator in His Abode and Mergence with Him includes the development of oneself as a spiritual heart and refinement of the consciousness through the methods of psychical self-regulation, art, and ecopsychology.
The Absolute is evolving. This process is realized through the development of individual souls formed by the Creator. Developing positively, souls attain the Perfection and merge with the Creator in His Abode, enriching Him in this way.
However, using “free will”* given to us by God, many souls choose the path of coarsening themselves through evil actions and corresponding emotions, and they are expelled to the “outer darkness”, that is, to hell.
In this way, each one of us — incarnate people living on the Earth — has a possibility to choose a future habitat for oneself in one of the spatial dimensions, among which are the Abode of the Creator, paradise, and hell.
Pythagoras once elegantly expressed this thought through the following words: “Love creates babies consisting of the Light! Souls that have found Love please the Heavenly Father and gradually become One with Him!” In this phrase, there is something to think about for everyone…
Those Who achieved the Mergence with the Creator in His Abode get the opportunity to continue Their development inside the Whole, that is, inside the Absolute. Yet They always remain, with a huge part of themselves as Souls, in the eternal Unity with the Creator.
The meaning of our lives on the Earth is to fulfill this totally or, at least, to try to pass as large a part of the Path to our common Goal as possible.
In conclusion, here is another wise allegory said by Pythagoras in response to the question of His disciple. The latter asked: “What should I do to maintain the feeling of happiness in life?” Pythagoras replied: “The Sun of Happiness rises in the inner sky!”
Now it should be clear for the reader how important it is to develop ourselves as spiritual hearts, and not only for the spiritual advancement, but simply for a normal existence in this body.
To get more details about all this, you can read, watch, and listen to the following material:
* I.e., the freedom to make ethically important decisions, to choose our own path: to the Creator or to the opposite direction away from Him.
Recommended Literature
1. Antonov V.V. — Spiritual Heart — Religion of Unity. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
2. Antonov V.V. — How God Can Be Cognized. Autobiography of a Scientist Who Studied God. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
3. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — How God Can Be Cognized. Book 2. Autobiographies of the Disciples of God. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
4. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Work with Children. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
5. Antonov V.V. — Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
6. Antonov V.V. — Ecopsychology. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
7. Antonov V.V. — Forest Lectures on the Highest Yoga. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
8. Antonov V.V. — Tao Te Ching. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
9. Antonov V.V. — Anatomy of God. “New Atlanteans”, 2010.
10. Antonov V.V. — Life for God. “New Atlanteans”, 2010.
11. Tatyana M. — On the Other Side of the Material World. “New Atlanteans”, 2012.
12. Teplyy A. — Book of the Warriors of the Spirit. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
13. Zubkova A.B. — Fairy Tale about Princess Nesmeyana and Ivan. “New Atlanteans”, 2007.
14. Zubkova A.B. — Dobrynya — Bylinas. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
15. Zubkova A.B. — Divine Parables. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
16. Zubkova A.B. — Book of the Born in the Light. Revelations of Divine Atlanteans. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
17. Zubkova A.B. — Parables of Lao Tse. “New Atlanteans”, 2012.
Video Films
1. Immersion in the Harmony of Nature. Way to Paradise. (Slide show). 90 minutes (on a CD or DVD),
2. Spiritual Heart. 70 minutes.
3. Sattva (Harmony, Purity). 60 minutes.
4. Sattva of Mists. 75 minutes.
5. Sattva of Spring. 90 minutes.
6. Art of Being Happy. 42 minutes (HD-video).
7. Practical Ecopsychology. 60 minutes (HD-video).
8. Keys to the Mysteries of Existence. Finding Immortality. 38 minutes (HD-video).
9. Bhakti Yoga. 47 minutes (HD-video).
10. Kriya Yoga. 40 minutes (HD-video).
11. Yoga of Krishna. 80 minutes (HD-video).
12. Yoga of Buddhism. 135 minutes, in 2 parts (HD-video).
13. Taoist Yoga. 90 minutes, 2 parts (HD-video).
14. Psychical Self-Regulation. 112 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video).
15. Yoga of Sathya Sai Baba. 100 minutes (HD-video).
16. Yoga of Sufis. 128 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video).
17. Yoga of Ancient Russians. 105 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video).
18. Yoga of Atlanteans. 82 minutes (HD-video).
19. Yoga of Pythagoras. 75 minutes (HD-video).
20. Laya Yoga. 48 minutes (HD-video).
21. Kundalini Yoga. 45 minutes (HD-video).
22. Yoga of Don Juan Matus and other Indian Spiritual Chiefs. 147 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video).
23. Yoga of Jesus Christ. 128 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video).
24. Agni Yoga. 76 minutes (HD-video).
25. Advaita Yoga. 47 minutes (HD-video).
26. Ashtanga Yoga. 60 minutes (HD-video).
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