
Hermeticism is the religious Teachings, originating from the works of Hermes Trismegistus.
Fragments of His Teachings have survived in Greek up to our days.
Hermes Trismegistus is the name of Thoth-the-Atlantean in His next Divine Incarnation that took place in Egypt.
The most valuable materials are selected here.
Welcome to this world of the secret knowledge!



Chapter Nine.
Key of Fire

         The Divine Fire is one of the Manifestations of the Creative Love of the Primordial Consciousness. Subtle and Gentle, It does not burn those who go to the Light, but it is burning for the representatives of darkness.
         The Fire cognized in the Depths of one’s own de-veloped spiritual heart merges with the Primordial Fire and becomes One with It!
         Those who have cognized this Fire inside them and know that this Fire is One with God’s Flame — they obtain the key of Fire!
         This Fire is stronger than all the forces in the universe, because It is the Creative Power!
         This Fire also exists in the center of the planet. It shines everywhere in the universe where life is created. Everything manifested appears in It.
         The Greatest Souls That represent this Fire are free to be the Living Light on the Earth and, simultane-ously, remain in the Unity with the Primordial Con-sciousness. They may also have material bodies. Such existence can be called Three-Times-Great. The Three-Times-Great are Those Who have obtained all these achievements. Every One of Them is the Guide Who leads embodied people to the Primordial Creative Power!
         So attract yourself to this Flame with the magnet of Love!
         With the Fire of the Creator, melt everything in yourself that is not identical to this Fire!
         And if you are the Part of this United Fire — so merge with It forever!