Lamp Six:
God-Man — This Is Possible!
God-Man — This Is Possible!
An embodied person can become free from the prison of the body and from being chained to the dense matter.
He or she also can start living in the Divine Light, perceiving oneself as lt and acting from It.
However, such Ascent to the Light can be done only if one longs to reach It.
The Totality of the Divine Freedom and Divine Immortality awaits the one who lives impeccably and cognizes the Unity with the Creator!
The purpose of such a person is to be the Mes-siah, the incarnate Messenger of the Creator, and to carry the Supreme Knowledge to people, as well as to guide the worthy ones so that they can have their new Birth in the Light.
Having the material body, it is also possible to rise to the highest level of the development of the con-sciousness and become the God-Man, that is, the Part of the Creator. The God-Man can manifest for embod-ied people not only the Divine Subtlety, Purity, and Wisdom but also the Divine Power! The God-Man is the Messiah.